BMW is top car brand

BMW has been named the number one car brand in the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2012, as compiled by MillwardBrown.

BMW M6 Coupé (2012) Front
BMW: Most valuable car brand 2012.

Last year’s leader, Toyota, slipped to second place, due in part to supply issues caused by the Japanese tsunami and Thai floods. Mercedes-Benz meanwhile remained in third spot.

It’s bad news for Porsche, though. The German marque is a high profile absentee from the latest automotive Top 10, having managed to come fifth in 2011’s survey.

Apple retained its position at the top of the overall Top 100 listing, ahead of runners-up IBM and Google.

BrandZ™ Top 10 Most Valuable Global Car Brands 2012
Ranking: Cars Brand Brand Value (US$ M) Change Ranking: Overall Top 100
1 BMW 24,623 10% 23
2 Toyota 21,779 -10% 28
3 Mercedes-Benz 16,111 5% 46
4 Honda 12,647 -11% 65
5 Nissan 9,853 -2% 81
6 Volkswagen 8,519 15% 96
7 Ford 7,025 -5% N/A
8 Audi 4,703 23% N/A
9 Hyundai 3,598 N/A N/A
10 Lexus 3,392 -7% N/A

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