Caterham marks 40 years

In 1973 Caterham took over production of the diminutive Seven sports car from Lotus. Now, to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of that occasion, a limited edition ‘40 Years of Caterham’ pack has been launched.

Available on any Seven model in the current line-up, it includes exclusive 15” alloy wheels with ‘40YOC’ centres and Avon ZV3 tyres, a grey leather dashboard, black leather seats with grey piping and a different finish for the transmission tunnel top.

Caterham Seven ‘40 Years of Caterham’ Edition (2013) Front SideCaterham Seven ‘40 Years of Caterham’ Edition (2013) Rear Detail

Caterham Seven ‘40 Years of Caterham’ Edition (2013) Bonnet DetailCaterham Seven ‘40 Years of Caterham’ Edition (2013) Interior

The only colour option is Ruby Red, which contrasts nicely with the unique body stripes and grey-painted chassis. Finishing touches are provided by a numbered dash plaque and a special ignition key.

The good news is that the pack costs absolutely nothing. However, it’s only being offered to the first forty customers who order a Seven from today onwards.

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