Toyota’s Mirai enters police service in London

For the first time, the Metropolitan Police has some hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles on its fleet. Eleven examples of the Toyota Mirai – some fully liveried, some remaining plain – are being used for general purpose and response work.

Toyota Mirai Police Car (2018) Front Side

Naturally, politicians and senior police officers alike are keen to point out the environmental benefits of cars that emit only water from their exhaust pipes. Taxpayers might be more concerned about cost though, because each Mirai has a retail price of around £66k.

Toyota Mirai Police Car (2018) Rear Side

So was the total expenditure £726k? ‘No’ is the unequivocal answer to that question, not least because the project received a grant from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking initiative. While the actual amount of funding hasn’t been disclosed, it’s likely to be significant.

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